Thursday, September 28, 2006

It's been a while....

I know it's been a while since the last update. Let me tell you that the life of a CEO is not an easy one. Every day, this is what I do:

Wake up
  • Check the corp forums for new posts, read them, reply to those I can reply to
  • Check the forum membership to see if there's any new members signed up since previous day
  • Check in-game to see if there's been any evemails from people or new membership applications
  • Talk to corp mates currently online and answer any questions before signing out
Go to work
  • Check corp forums during day to see if there's any new posts or members
  • Check official Eve Online recruitment forums throughout the day to see if there's any new queries on the ads I've placed there for the corp
  • Check recruitment queries on the forums to see if there's anyone that might be suitable to join us, in which case I'll leave a message for them
Go home
  • Check forums again
  • Play in-game for a couple hours, chatting to corp mates, responding to eve mails, checking for pirates or trading, going on security operations.
Go to sleep

That's a standard day, with the rest of my daily activities taking place in between all of that. I'm sure you can see this is probably more than the average player spends on the game.

The sacrifices a CEO must make...

It's the security operations which are probably the most exciting part of the game activity, but everything else is exciting to me as well, because it's all helping the corp grow.

I've now got 47 members in the corp. I trained Megacorp Management I last night, allowing me to have up to 100 members (50 members per level). As soon as I get the 51st member, I'll officially be a MEGACORP!!

I think I'll give that person a prize. Yep, that's what I'll do....

The corp ops have been going well. Support and Security have been engaging in active operations, often daily. This has resulted in some good minerals for the corp from the mining ops, and good experiences for the Security teams from.... dying.

Yes, dying. Most of the corp has died when on operations against pirates. In fact, just the other night, three of us died fighting a single pirate who was in a Thorax cruiser. It was quite frustrating, but the way I see it, the more you die, the more you learn about how not to die in future. So it's all helpful.

I used to sit in stations when in-game, and do my corp admin and chatting with others. Nowadays I find myself sitting in a safe spot in lowsec space, chatting with others and watching the pirates passing through.

I can't wait until I have a cloaked ship, then I can sit 200km from a gate and watch the pirates, and gather intel. That'll be fun...

That's the update for now. Business as usual, the corp's growing, everyone's having a good time, and we're moving into an interesting time of being a Megacorp.

I hope to provide future updates a little more frequently than I have done. Thanks for your interest in following the exploits of Black Scorpion Ltd.


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